This is HIS Story Podcast

Episode 24 - Not all Digital Strategies Work for Non-Profits

Todd Turner, Creative Digital Guide Season 1 Episode 24

Your web team is running digital campaigns out of order and it is hurting your online donations.

Ever try to bake a cake? You must mix the ingredients in the right order. Adding an egg at the end won’t produce the same results of mixing it at the beginning. The order of the ingredients is just as important as the ingredients themselves.

The same concept is true with words. Same three words out of order changes EVERYTHING.

Jonny bit the dog vs The dog bit Jonny

As I work with faith based non profits I see the same thing over and over again. Well-meaning web and marketing teams trying a “best practice” idea they just read about or learned at a conference. Hoping this new campaign will somehow create more donors or new names.

Listen as we discuss the reality that "not all Digital Strategies Work for Non-Profits"

Welcome to the, this is HIS story podcast. The executive director

and pastor guide to sowing and reaping online givers. Welcome to episode 24,

not all digital strategies work for nonprofits.

Chances are your web team is running digital campaign to out of order

and it's really hurting or online donations know.

If you ever tried to bake a cake you got to put the ingredients in the right order adding an egg at

the end doesn't produce the same results of mixing it in,

at the beginning, the order of ingredients is just as important.

As the ingredients themselves, the same Concepts through with words,

right? The same three words out of order,

changes, everything. Johnny bit,

the dog and the dog bit. Johnny same words,

different order, different meaning, you know,

as I've worked with faith, based,

nonprofits parachurch Ministries.

I see the same thing over and over again,

well-meaning, web and marketing teams.

Try quote, unquote, best practices.

That they read about, are they learned at a conference hoping?

This new campaign / Magic Bullet?

Well, sometimes create more donors or new names,

you know, the other day on LinkedIn. I don't know how many of you that follow me here,

follow me there, but I posted that in my 20-something years of nonprofit work.

I probably spend more time telling nonprofits what not to do,

then what to do. I think, they'd hire me for what to do,

and the honest truth is, Go in

and tell them to undo what they're doing

because it's out of order or it's just not the right move for their organization.

You know, I generally get called in

when the board or executive staff have sometimes secretly lost faith and the digital strategies,

then they're not gaining as much, you know, online donations

as they think possible and they get tired of always trying to improve the website

or let's buy new software.

Or lets you know, let's do the next greatest thing that their team is telling them to do

and deep down.

They're like, not sure we're chasing the right carrot here

and we're certainly spending a lot of time

and resources and are not sure they're getting enough results.

Well, we're normally right, because web teams frequently,

think get strategies out of order

and they miss prioritized strategies and it really affects organization,

you know, Sort of go back to the food analogy.

You know many of the internet chefs,

right? The webmasters. They've never run a kitchen before

and best they've eaten until they think somehow their chefs.

And I think just because you've eaten food doesn't make you a good

shaft and just because you know something about internet technology and social media,

doesn't really mean that you're the best person to create digital strategy for nonprofits.

I see it a lot. That organizations are working on getting new names before.

They've had a proven case for support their pay for new donors.

Without knowing their retention rates, they build new websites before they fix.

Underlying issues with the current site,

they're tweaking donation Pages without knowing or measuring abandonment rates.

You know, these are just a few of the key ingredients that a lot of organizations get out of order

and then create themselves problems.

Or spinning their wheels and efforts without really moving the needle.

So make sure your organization has the simple blocking and tackling down before you run.

These trick plays donation campaigns you to be run in the right order

and you need to be healthy before you put in all the bells and whistles,

that sometimes young webmasters.

Try to do thinking, oh well, this will work because it works on the outside world,

but we are in the Kingdom Business

and We have a little curve ball called the Holy Spirit which prompts people to give

and so it changes how we navigate the conversation with potential donors.

So if you have any questions on my website, I do have a webinar that talk sort

about getting everybody rolling to the right Lighthouse

and putting things in order.

And so it's a good little webinar, it's free. Just put in your email address and and watch it.

And I think it'll really dig down into some of these issues.

Of helping leaders determine if their teams are rolling to the

correct Lighthouse at the right time blessings.

Thank you for listening to today's episode of.

This is his story podcast overwhelmed at all the technical terms.

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for a free resource to help your organization move the needle on new names and donors,

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