This is HIS Story Podcast

Episode 22 - Christopher Beth of The Bucket Ministry Interview

Todd Turner, Creative Digital Guide Season 1 Episode 22

Christopher Beth, Chief Storyteller / Director of The Bucket Ministry. 

Christopher Beth was born in 1967 on the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois to Penny and Edward Beth. Though he might argue that nothing of much significance occurred during his adolescence to early twenties, Christopher will be the first to cite one discrepancy in that: meeting, falling in love, and marrying his high school sweetheart, Sheri. Almost thirty years into their marriage, Christopher and Sheri are just as devoted to each other as the evening they exchanged vows.

They have two children, Savannah and Griffin, and were recently blessed with a grandson, Eli. Today, Christopher lives in a small town outside Dallas, Texas with his wife and mother–while remaining in driving distance to his daughter (and her family) and son.

Christopher worked for the majority of his life in the pet industry as a business consultant. Though never exactly passionate about this line of work, he nonetheless diligently applied himself to it for almost two decades. However, when his daughter returned from school one day with an opportunity to accompany her on a mission trip to the Brazilian Amazon, he would soon find a cause he was passionate about. Witnessing the abject lack of access to clean, safe, drinking water in Brazil, Christopher felt God breathe life into a ministry he was yet to understand the logistics or reality of. He returned home from the mission trip with a conviction to somehow merge the two great scarcities of God and water into one ministry. Thus, The Bucket Ministry was born.

While The Bucket Ministry started out in the Brazilian Amazon, it is now actively evangelizing and providing water filters to over twenty countries. The mission of the Bucket Ministry is to share God’s love through the gift of safe, clean, drinking water; and Christopher has every intention to realize that mission in every place lacking its spiritual and physical blessings. To watch more of Chris’ story please click here.Favorite Verse: “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”-Acts 4:13

The Bucket Ministry is a passionate group of ordinary people singularly committed to bringing The Gospel and the gift of clean, safe, drinking water to all the underserved areas of the world. From the thicket thronged bush of Ghana to the frost-bitten foothills of Nepal, the dry and unbearing plains of Mexico to the deep green jungles of Brazil, the slick and hardpacked streets of the Kibera slums to the steep pitched mountains of Vietnam—The Bucket Ministry has boot prints in many of the world’s most physically and spiritually uninviting places. Yet, in serving such an unwavering God, The Bucket Ministry is never without a shepherd for our steps.

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