This is HIS Story Podcast

Episode 20: Should Churches Ask for Money?

Todd Turner, Creative Digital Guide Season 1 Episode 20

Churches seem to have this unwritten rule. DON'T ask for money... "It's not Biblical. People with think bad about me, as a pastor! We met budget, we are doing fine. The Lord will give us exactly what He wants. "

Some churches have even removed the "passing of the plate" and have instituted giving boxes or only online giving opportunities.

But... is this even Biblical? It certainly isn't logical. on today's episode we will discuss should churches and pastors ask for money? And despite the negative feedback from people in the pews and in the streets, is it OK to talk about money from the pulpit?

What can be done to make pastors brave enough to discuss this taboo topic?

Welcome to the This is HIS Story podcast. The executive director

and pastor guide to sowing and reaping online givers.

Welcome to episode 20: Should churches.

ask for money? Churches seem to have this unwritten rule.

Don't ask for money. It's not biblical.

People think think bad about me as a pastor.

We met budget. We're doing fine.

The Lord will give us exactly what he wants.

Some Churches even remove the passing of the plate time

and I've even instituted giving boxes or only online giving up.

200. He's like 0 asked recently on a tick tock Channel.

Then I have I made a post about the average salary

for pastors and implying that they're really pretty low.

And wow, the pushback and the feedback was honestly sad from literally saying,

Patrick should be paid, nothing to pastors.

It should be poor to its unbiblical to know.

In the Bible, does it command about paying a pastor giving to a pastor?

And it's just as a reminder of churches have done such a poor job

teaching about money that unfortunately,

you have the flock out of here. Echoing what?

They've heard not heard or assumed right?

But let's look a little bit into what the Bible says.

I know every one of you listening is read your Bible from cover to cover.

Here's just a quick reminder. Second Corinthians.

9:7. Each one must give But he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or under compulsion for God.

Loves a cheerful Giver Luke 6:38 give

and it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together.

Running over will be put in your lap for with the measure you use,

it will be measured back to you. Acts 20:35 and all things.

I've shown you that by working hard and this way we must help the weak.

And remember the words of the Lord Jesus,

how he himself said, Said it is more blessed to give than to receive Proverbs 19.

17. Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord and He will repay him for his deed.

First, Timothy 5:8. And if anyone does not provide for his relatives,

especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

So those are almost random.

I wasn't like I picked those in any particular kind of order.

Other than the we all know, the Bible has a lot to say about giving

and churches seem not to want to ask and I think,

obviously, that is partly

because there are high Profile people people who have abused their influence

and ask for money and do things with that money that are not necessarily in the kingdom.

And there are a lot of prosperity,

famous influencers and pastors who talk about money in such an unhealthy way,

that it stinks so bad.

The churches don't want to be anywhere near that Arena.

The problem is Is you can't avoid something because somebody's has done it.

Negatively you we have to do it correctly.

And so what has happened is the church basically has avoided altogether asking

for funds and I think,

when I started this podcast, I mentioned two things that I really want.

Underlined, we met budget and we're doing fine and the Lord will give us exactly what he wants.

Well, if that was true. The Lords of the give you what he wants.

Then we would all just have a lottery tickets, blowed up,

against our church window, and the Lord would fund his ministry that way,

but he doesn't, he funded through people,

and they're giving and people need to know what they're giving to.

So if you've heard my podcast before,

you have definitely heard me talk about Paul and how on his missionary Journeys.

He literally was collecting money for those in need,

back in Jerusalem. What even his church? Church,

but it was people's Kingdom Minded giving

and he asked and he talked about the strategy of how we're going to get it there

and it a lot of thought was put into it and asked there was no problem in the ask at all.

It is okay to ask to do ministry.

One of the problems that we have in the church is that if your church

giving is giving to a building to keep the I'd line

for salaries.

Only this can be part of the problem.

If overhead is your church, ministry story.

You will have a problem, raising money because it's overhead.

And so it's hard to ask for overhead

and it's not appealing to ask for overhead because though running a church.

Is it in itself a Ministry? It is not the kind of giving that most people give to

and I want to push another fight.

At the same time. I mentioned this in my class,

in my master class. So tist,

except show that Christian kingdom,

giving in quote, unquote parachurch Ministries outside of churches is very high,

but the percentage of non givers to churches is not only high but still staying the same.

In other words, some of you guys in church are doing well,

but you're doing well because We're not as fluent time and your givers are giving more,

but your if you go and look, you're not converting non givers

and to givers because you're not giving them any reason,

not only where you passing a plate before and not really giving the reason why you're passing it.

A lot of you have taken away the passing on the plate opportunity

and then you wonder why people aren't giving.

Well, they're not giving because there's no story to tell and when you're not,

when you're now on, Line people are even coming in less.

They spend more time online. The nonprofits are doing a much better job,

telling their story. And so your givers are giving to the nonprofits and not the churches.

Then in turn the churches, say,

oh, well, we met budget. We're doing fine.

It's like, but your ministry opportunities could be so much better.

You know, that little $200. You send the missionary team over in Asia.

Well, what if you could send them ten thousand dollars? What if they can increase their Ministry?

Weren't barely scraping by because you asked better,

instead of just saying, well, we met budget,

when your budget was low, your missions,

budget was horrible because that's all you could afford and to say that,

well God's given us what we're doing.

And we've met budget is really a poor way to look at things

and the problem that's happening inside the church shows on your website.

It shows on your social media

because if you Don't know how to speak about money

and asking for money and talking about Kingdom things in the joy,

and the responsibility of Christians to give what it's going to get worse.

When he goes online, because most pastors don't have any clue about social media strategies

and what a donation page should look like,

what the purpose of it is, how to write emails,

how to do social media. And so, we have the mess that we have now is the

passing of the plate was In a healthy way in church,

and so certainly, the non passing of the plate online has just turned into does our church website,

have a gift button in the top right corner. If it does,

that's all we can do. We're not going to push more than that.

We're not going to talk about money, more than that. That's just,

that's just not who we are. We don't want to look like we're asking for money all the time.

And so we have the mess that we have. I'm glad Jesus gave us examples

and did not stay silent on this.

Topic and I just wish churches would discuss it.

A fraction of the amount of time that Jesus did when he was in his ministry.

And of course, we have all of scripture just littered with giving verses in the importance of giving

and the need for giving and there's

so many people that are in need in our own communities

and if our churches aren't reaching out to those around us because they literally can't afford it.

Ask ask, ask ask,

and ask correctly. There's ways to do it.

Okay. Off my soapbox. The answer to today's question,

should churches ask for money. Yes,

and the double answer is, should they do a much much better job online

and they're doing in there from the pulpit for the people in their pews.

In the answer is heck to the,

yes. Thank you for listening to today's episode of.

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